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“Is anybody happier because you passed this way?? Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today? The day is almost over, and its toiling time is through; Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you? Can you say tonight, with the day that's slipping fast, That you helped a single person of [...]

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Celebrating Failures Its heartbreaking to hear stories of individuals committing suicide due to failure in academics, relationships, loss of significant people, unexpected life incidents, etc. Is it worthy to end your life because you assumed that failure has no option? Many times its overwhelming to see how individuals perceive failure and the strategies they choose [...]

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The month of December is the most happening month (not due to Tsunami, Chennai floods or CycloneVardha) in Chennai for few reasons. Year after year December in Chennai sports a pleasant weather, many auspicious celebrations of Music, Dance through concerts and the most delicious food @ sabhas. The Month Marghali (Tamil month of December) signifies [...]

A presentation on "The Gateway to CounterTerrorism- A Psychological Perspective" was presented by Dr.Vasuki on 2 Nov 2017 at the One-day National Seminar on “Responding to Terrorism and India’s Internal Security: Way Ahead”. This seminar was organized by the Department of Defence and Strategic Studies and Department of Criminology, University of Madras, Chennai

Education is the process of living and is not meant to be the preparation of future living. (Dewey, 1897). School education ought to help children be more aware of their abilities and teach life skills that are often foundational to true learning and helping them form self-identities and create self- awareness.  - Read More 

Presentation on " Mindful teachers" on the 118th Birthday Remembrance of Mrs. Ellen Sharma , the founder of The Children's Garden School, on 15th Nov 2017

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"The recent news of a stalker burning down a girl and her house, as he couldn't face the rejection, has shocked peace-loving Chennai. Many questions arise. Why did the girl not go to the police and lodge a complaint? Read More

 Ms. Vasuki did a Presentation on "The Gateway to CounterTerrorism- A Psychological Perspective"-  at the One-day National Seminar titled “Responding to Terrorism and India’s Internal Security : Way Ahead” on 2nd November 2017. This seminar was organised by the Department of Defence and Strategic Studies and Department of Criminology, University of Madras. View More  I would be failing in my duty [...]

"Learning difficulty assessment" workshop was conducted byExplore Counselling and Pearson India!