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Good academic performance is considered very important in our society, and all parents wish that their children perform well in academics. How well a child is doing in studies and how intelligent he is, is gauged by the marks obtained in exams. Consequently, preparing for and writing exams, coping with post-exam anxiety, and waiting for […]

A study on the Abacus learning of Mental Arithmetic and its influence on the Academic Performance of children Published in :  Journal Of Psychological Researches,Volume 57,Number 2,August 2013( ISSN 0022-3972) K.Vasuki* and P.J.Charumathi** A study on the Abacus learning of Mental Arithmetic and its influence on the Academic Performance of children K.Vasuki* and P.J.Charumathi** The […]

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Personality is the combination of fragmented images of self. These fragments of self can be termed as ego states. Eric Berne, father of Transactional analysis, divides these ego states as Parent, Child and Adult. Superficially these three states can be compared with Freud’s three ego states namely-Id, Ego and Superego. Transactional analysis, an Integrative approach […]

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This article discusses the various aspects of making transition from campus to corporate. Carefully choosing a career will help to stay motivated and remain a star performer throughout one’s career. A person moving out from a campus and entering corporate needs to do a lot of planning. It also creates a sense of excitement about […]

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The quality of relationships determines the effectiveness of emotional resilience during any emotional or physical crisis. Proper management of relationships helps to bounce back from adversity so that one can be more flexible and resilient in stressful situations. This case study of Maya illustrates how a break up in a relationship affected the client and […]

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 This decade is known as the era of the “Indian Crossover” as many Indian companies have slowly and steadily embarked on the global path, which has led to the emergence of the Indian multinational companies. It is time for Indian companies to become multinationals and commence operations globally. Indian companies are exploring markets all over […]

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Cross culture and Counseling Therapy- A Challenge It is time for Indian companies to become multinationals and commence operations abroad. Indian companies are making forays into markets all over the world. It may be one of the best ways of increasing revenue and might even be necessary to effectively regulate the flow of multinationals into […]

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Stress can be painful and performance limiting for the most junior recruit to the most experienced senior executive in an organization. When employees perceive that their efforts are not matched by rewards they are found to be at risk of a host of stress related illnesses, including cardiovascular disease. Stress audit practices create awareness about […]

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A husband and wife relationship is a unique and difficult one as it brings two individuals together in the name of marriage and expects to be together rest of their lives. Before committing into any relationship It is very important to understand and acknowledge that every individual has unique personality and different in its own […]

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Dyslexia is the term used by British people whereas Americans describe this condition as a learning disability. It doesn’t affect anything else other than the skills like reading, writing, spelling and numbers; in some cases it may affect the motor skills also. It is quite necessary to understand that it is not a disease but […]